Every exhibiting organization will receive ToxExpo Exhibitor Update emails containing useful information and important deadline dates for you to plan a successful 2025 ToxExpo. Be sure to add these domains (toxicology.org. aim-hq.com, and a2zinc.net) to your "safe senders" list so that these important communications are not blocked by spam filters.

This page was created to include the contents of  
ToxExpo Exhibitor Update emails after they are sent as reference for ToxExpo exhibitors. Be sure to check back often for updated content on this page.


May 2024

ToxExpo Exhibitor Update: Exciting New Year!

As you know, SOT is heading to Orlando, Florida for its 64th Annual Meeting and ToxExpo, March 16–20, 2025. We are excited you have reserved exhibit space to share your organization’s offerings to thousands of toxicologists during the 2025 ToxExpo March 17–19 at the Orange County Convention Center.

To help you plan for a successful event, emails with the subject line ToxExpo Exhibitor Update will be sent to your attention. These emails will contain valuable information and important deadline dates. So that these important communications are not blocked by spam filters, be sure to add these domains (toxicology.org, aim-hq.com, and a2zinc.net) to your “safe senders” list.

In this first ToxExpo Exhibitor Update email, SOT is pleased to welcome Haley Ebertz to the ToxExpo Concierge Team as SOT’s new Exhibits Coordinator. Haley looks forward to serving you.

Your 2025 ToxExpo experience begins now!

Visit the ToxExpo website – THE PLACE about ToxExpo exhibitors as well as YOUR PLANNING TOOL. Select FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS under the FIND OUT MORE tab. There you will find answers to many questions, including how to add or change content in your online profile that now appears in the ToxExpo Directory. Keep in mind, the sooner you update your online profile, the sooner visitors will learn about your organization and what it has to offer them.

Also, check out the action items under the CURRENT EXHIBITORS tab and be sure to visit this section and the FAQs often. As more information becomes available, more resources, links, and answers to questions will be added.

If you need more information or require assistance, feel free to reach out to us. We are happy to help!

Let your 2025 ToxExpo experience begin!

Your ToxExpo Concierge Team,

Sandy Fridy
Senior Exhibits & Sponsorships Manager  
Tonja Morrow
Exhibits & Promotions Manager
Haley Ebertz
Exhibits Coordinator