Important Exhibitor Alert

Beware of any company or individual offering to sell you an “SOT Annual Meeting” attendee list or claiming to have hotel rooms for you to reserve for the SOT Annual Meeting and ToxExpo. SOT has not provided information to these groups claiming to have hotel rooms or attendee lists for this meeting or any previous meeting. These solicitors are NOT affiliated with SOT and are NOT authorized by SOT to contact ToxExpo exhibitors.

Many of these solicitors retrieve your public information from interactive floor plans and may even contact your organization to obtain your name and direct line or email. Unofficial solicitors who claim to provide “services” are considered housing and list pirates, hackers, and scammers. These solicitors threaten the conference industry as they disrupt the process and cause confusion with exhibitors. They aim to scam exhibitors by offering fraudulent lists or hotel rooms that may not exist and be reserved.

SOT will send official Annual Meeting and ToxExpo email correspondence directly from these domains (, and and phone calls from SOT will come from SOT’s main phone line (703) 438-3115.

Connections Housing is the only endorsed group to help with making guest room reservations for your stay in Orlando in association with the SOT Annual Meeting and ToxExpo. Connections Housing does not solicit reservations or credit card information by phone or email. If you are contacted by anyone other than Connections Housing, please get as much information as you can (name of company, person calling, telephone number) and notify the SOT Director of Meetings and Events Maureen Bayley.

In addition, SOT has vetted the following companies and verified that they offer legitimate products and services to SOT Annual Meeting and ToxExpo exhibitors. More information and order forms are provided in the Exhibitor Service Manual (available in November).

Encore (audiovisual)

ExpoTools Event Technology (lead retrieval services)

Orange County Convention Center (show venue)
Utilities (electrical, air, water, natural gas)
Internet and Wi-Fi
Digital Signage

Shepard Exposition Services (show general contractor)
Booth furnishings, shipping, material handling, and cleaning

Sodexo Live at Orange County Convention Center (booth catering)

The SOT Annual Meeting and ToxExpo floral provider name will be added soon and included in the Exhibitor Service Manual (available in November). 

Questions? Contact